Sindh Rangers on Sunday hosted a peace bicycle rally to persuade the masses to participate in peaceful healthy activities for further promotion of sports and tourism in the port city. Over 50 male and female cyclists from different walks of life participated in the bicycle rally, said a spokesperson. The rally started from Indus Chowrangi and passed through Qayyumabad, Ayesha Masjid, Clock Tower, Bilawal Chowrangi, Boat Basin, Nitti Jati Bridge, Gulbai, PAF Masroor Base, Cycle Chowrangi and ended at Dua Chowrangi. The purpose of the rally is to create a peaceful environment in the city as well as attract citizens towards healthy activities, and promote sports and tourism. The prizes were distributed at the end of the ceremony to encourage the winning players. The participants said that in today’s era, activity like cycling is very important for a healthy environment and physical health and organizing such sports activities increases the trend of sports events. On this occasion, the participants appreciated the role of Rangers and other law enforcement agencies in promoting health activities along with establishing peace and order in Karachi.