Aamir Khan and his first wife Reena Dutta might be exes now but the two share a very cordial relationship. On Wednesday, Aamir and Reena were clicked together as they exited a store in Mumbai. The former couple happily posed for the photographers who took their photos. Aamir was dressed in a blue kurta and jeans and Reena wore a purple kurta and white pants. The ex-couple smiled for the cameramen and eventually made their way to their car and left together. Last month, Aamir along with ex-wives Reema and Kiran Rao attended the launch of filmmaker Mansoor Khan’s book One: The Story of Ultimate Myth. His elder son Junaid was also present at the event. Aamir and Reena got married in 1986. Together, they have a son Junaid, and a daughter Ira. The couple ended their marriage in 2002. Later, Aamir met Kiran Rao and the two married in 2005 and together have a son Azad Rao Khan. However, their marriage ended in 2021 but announced that they would continue to co-parent their son. Aamir has been on a break since his last release Laal Singh Chaddha failed at the box office. The actor declared that he would be spending time with his family and is yet to officially announce his next project. However, it is suspected that Aamir’s next film might release in 2024.