Pakistan told the UN General Assembly that the Security Council’s inability to secure the implementation of its resolutions on Palestine and Kashmir to enable their peoples to exercise their right to self-determination were the “greatest failures” of the 15-member body that also erode its credibility.
“Despite Security Council’s unequivocal resolutions calling for a UN-supervised plebiscite in Jammu and Kashmir, India continues its occupation of Kashmir through a reign of terror imposed by an occupying army exceeding 900,000 troops – one soldier for every eight Kashmiri man, woman and child,” Ambassador Munir Akram said in his remarks on the Council’s annual report on Friday.
Yet, the Pakistani envoy said the leaders behind such massive atrocities were “entertained in the halls of the champions of human rights.” He also regretted that the presentation of this report has become a “mere ritual”, as it it is an unedifying enumeration of meetings, with no substantive content.
In this regard, Ambassador Akram called for a report that highlights emerging threats to international peace and security and outlines the Council’s efforts to settle disputes and prevent conflict.
“While the Council does hold public meetings and open debates, the substantive discussions and decisions take place in closed meetings”, Ambassador Akram said, adding that practice erodes transparency and accountability and negates the Charter’s requirement that the Council act ‘on behalf’ of all UN member states.
On that point, the Pakistani envoy said that the Counter-Terrorism Committee should address new and emerging threats, including right-wing fascist Hindutva terrorism, rather than focusing solely on Muslim groups. In addition, he added, the committee must also distinguish terrorism from self-determination struggles.
“The massive human rights violations in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir are a blot on the conscience of humanity.
India must be held accountable for its war crimes and crimes against humanity in occupied Jammu and Kashmir,” Ambassador Akram said, stressing that the festering Kashmir dispute continues to pose an ever-present threat of another conflict between Pakistan and India.
“The Security Council’s failure to secure implementation of its own resolutions, to end Indian occupation and enable the people of Jammu and Kashmir to exercise their right to self-determination vividly erodes its credibility and legitimacy.”
Ambassador Akram’s pointed words against the Indian policies evoked a response from an Indian representative, and a Pakistani delegate immediately debunked New Delhi’s claim that Kashmir was India’s integral part. “Repeating the wrong position will not make it acceptable at any point at this forum, ” Pakistani delegate Bilal Chaudhry said. Recalling the Security Council resolutions, awaiting implementation for over seven decades, he called on the 15-nation body to take cognizance of India’s intransigence and carry out a concerted effort to implement its resolutions.