District Narowal is all set to host the National T-10 match at Narowal Cricket Ground on May 28 with the soft opening of the Narowal Sport City. Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif is likely to be a Chief Guest. The decision was taken on Thursday during a meeting to finalize the arrangements of the friendly National T-10 match to be played at recently constructed Narowal Cricket Ground. The meeting was Chaired by the Federal Minister for Planning Development & Special Initiatives, Ahsan Iqbal attended by the Secretary Ministry of Inter-Provincial Coordination (IPC), Director General Pakistan Sport Board (PSB), Chairman Pakistan Cricket Board (via Zoom), District Police Officer DPO and Deputy Commissioner, Narowal, Director PTV Sports and other relevant stakeholder. The Narowal Sports City has 14 stadiums and courts of sports, such as cricket, football, hockey, volleyball, squash, table tennis, lawn tennis, badminton court and other games besides swimming pools. While chairing the meeting, the Minister directed the relevant stakeholders to complete all the arrangements till May 22 as Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif is likely to be a Chief Guest at the occasion. Besides, other dignitaries, member parliament and retired cricketers will be invited at the occasion. Leading players from National level will be participating in the match. “The key objective is to provide the best platform to the youth of the country, ” said Planning Minister Ahsan Iqbal while chairing the meeting, who believes that youth of the country has a huge potential to transform the country. During the meeting, it was also decided that PTV Sports will broadcast the match live while DPO is directed to ensure security arrangement. Besides, police Rangers will be deployed. In this regard, Deputy Commissioner, Narowal will be a focal person for the coordination among all the stakeholders. He will chair a meeting on May 20 at Narowal Cricket Ground which will be attended by the DG, PSB, one representatives from PCB and PTV will also attend the meeting to finalize the arrangements Earlier, Chairman PCB, Najam Sethi informed the participants that all arrangements have been finalized regarding pitch and the ground. He said that a special team of PCB was deployed at the spot which has completed the technical things of the match. DG, PSB also apprised the meeting about the so far steps taken by the Board. The Minister directed him to immediately complete the pending work while ensuring his presence at the sport on May 22. Similarly, it was decided that the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting will start its advertisement before one week of the match and all steps will be taken to facilitate the spectators and players. It is noted that last time over 10000 spectators were present at the ground which was a huge number. However, it is expected that this time numbers will be increased. Since the government came into power in April 2022, several initiatives have been taken for the country’s youth and construction of a 250-mini sports complex across the country at the district level is a part of the PM Youth Initiatives which was launched in October last year to provide basic facilities to the youth.