Hrithik Roshan and Saba Azad made a classy entry at the launch of Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre; the entry has taken over the internet by a storm. The couple entered the gala walking together wearing classy outfits. The paps shared a video of the two making the fiery entry. They stopped and posed for the media flashing their million-dollar smiles. They could not stop looking at each other while posing for the shutterbags. Hrithik looked extremely dapper wearing a plain black kurta and pajama. He also wore a pendant around his neck. Meanwhile, Saba set the red carpet on fire wearing an extremely ravishing and flowy red and golden colour gown. She wore a bright red-lip colour and left her hair open. The lovebirds complimented each other very well. Their appearance gave fans happy tears. They can’t stop gushing over them. One of the fans wrote: “Everyone is gangsta until Hrithik walks in.” meanwhile, another fan praised the actress as a person, wrote: “Saba is such a great person!” On the other hand, people are loving the colour she is wearing. They say: “The gown colour is brave!” One fan wrote: “Is it only me or Hrithik getting more handsome these days.” Hrithik Roshan and Saba Azad have been dating each other for sometime now. They are often spotted together on lunch and dinner dates. The duo made their relationship Instagram official last year, reports News18.