Internet sensation and TV personality Uorfi Javed, who is known for her sartorial choices, took to her Twitter handle on Friday and shared a short note. In the note, Uorfi apologised for hurting people’s sentiments with her outfits and said that she will change. Taking to her Twitter handle, Uorfi wrote, “I apologise for hurting everyone’s sentiments by wearing what I wear. From now on you guys will see a changed Uorfi. Changed clothes. Maafi.” Netizens were left confused after Uorfi Javed’s tweet and a certain section of fans even urged her not to change. However, a few of the users speculated that it was an April’s fool prank. In an interview with Dirty Magazine, Uorfi had opened up about her life and her choices. She said, “All my life I’ve been upset and stressed about money. I never had any, even though I was a rich girl in my head. I really think instead of running after a man, girls should run after money. Because money is not everything, but it is a lot of things.