Ibrahim Ali Khan is Saif Ali Khan’s son from his first marriage to Amrita Singh. He has an elder sister, Sara Ali Khan, who has already made her Bollywood debut. On the special occasion of Ibrahim’s birthday, Sara penned a sweet birthday note to her brother. The actress, who entered the industry with the film Kedarnath, took to Instagram and shared a special birthday wish for Ibrahim. Not just Sara, but Kareena Kapoor also wished him on his 22nd birthday. Sara Ali Khan dropped a cute photo with her younger brother on her Instagram handle. The actress captioned her post, “Happiest Birthday to my (not so) little IGGY potter. The day you were born I knew I wouldn’t be moms #1 child, and now post Fuffy Singh I’m happy that you’re not the superlative either. Regardless, you’ll always be my #1 boy (sic).” On the other hand, Bebo shared Ibrahim’s picture with Saif, Jeh Ali Khan and Taimur Ali Khan. She called the birthday boy ‘handsome’ and wrote, “Happy Birthday to the sweetest and most handsome boy (sic).” For those unaware, Saif’s son Ibrahim is working as an assistant director on the set of Karan Johar’s Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani. The film stars Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt in the lead roles.