A delegation of Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI) led by President ICCI Ahsan Zafar Bakhtawari held a meeting with Chairman PEMRA Muhammad Saleem Baig in his office and discussed with him the plan of starting an ICCI radio and TV channel. Wakil Khan, Director General Licensing, PEMRA was also present on the occasion. Addressing the delegation, the Chairman PEMRA appreciated the plan ofáICCIáto start its own radio and TV channel and assured that he would issue their license on priority basis after fulfilling the documentary requirements. Heáfurther assuredáthat he would fully cooperate with theáICCIáfor the completion of this important project,áas it would benefit the business community andáand the economy. He said thatáthe ICCIáshouldácoordinate with foreign universities foráproviding qualityábusinessáeducation to studentsáto meet the needs of businesses and industries. Speakingáon theáoccasion,áAhsan Zafar Bakhtawari,áPresident ICCIábriefed theáChairman PEMRA about the aims and objectives ofástartingáradio and TV channels. He said that these channelsáwould educateáthe young generationáaboutáthe importance of exports promotion, which the country desperately needs at this time.á He said these channels would promoteábusiness role modelsáfor youth to motivate them to launch business start upsáandácreate jobs for others.á He said that Pakistan’s business and economic potential will be highlightedáto attract localáand foreignáinvestment toáPakistan. He said that prominent businessáleadersáand economists will be invited on radio and TV channels to discuss theákey issues ofáeconomy and findátheir optimumásolutions. He said thatátheseáchannelsáwill createábetter awareness in the business community about various businessá&áeconomic issuesáto facilitate them inábusinessádevelopment. áHe said that theáchannelsáwilláfocus onáexpanding the tax base andáidentifyingánew exportsámarkets for Pakistan. He hoped that with the support of PEMRA,áICCIáwould soon be able to start its own radio and TV channel. Engineer AzharáuláIslam Zafar, Vice PresidentáICCI, said thatámany TV channels normally highlightánegative aspects of Pakistanáwhile the ICCI radio and TV channels would highlight the positive aspects of Pakistan to promote a soft image of the country. He saidáself-made business persons would be promoted by highlightingátheir achievements.