Actor Kareena Kapoor has revealed that she ‘doesn’t mind’ working with actor Ryan Gosling. In a new interview, that actor said she is honoured that Indian actors are getting the opportunity to be working in Hollywood. Kareena added that she isn’t looking for work in Hollywood as her children-Taimur Ali Khan and Jehangir Ali Khan-are still young. Both Kareena and her husband-actor Saif Ali Khan will voice Marvel characters Black Widow and Peter Quill, respectively, in two separate shows for the Hindi adaptation of Marvel’s audio series Wastelanders. Kareena shared that Saif thought she would be a good voice for the character of Black Widow, a role that is synonymous with actor Scarlett Johansson, who played the iconic part in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). In an interview with news agency PTI, Kareena said, “People from here are going to the West, hoping that a lot of actors from the west would come here, we would be equally honoured and excited. I don’t mind working with Ryan Gosling. I never wanted to do that (act in Hollywood). I am too rooted here. My babies are too young, I got married and everything happened so fast. Now, it is impossible to leave them. But, Marvel comes here.” Talking about lending her voice, Kareena said, “They (makers) cast our voice at the same time because I remember telling Saif, ‘I am offered Black Widow’ and he was like, ‘You have to do it because you are the perfect Black Widow and there is no one else who could dub it’. I kept reading about her character and figured that I was resonating with it a lot. Saif has already lent his voice for his character. We are very excited about it. These characters are going to be Indian and are going to be owned by Indian actors through their voice, which everyone across India and globe will be hearing.” The Hindi Audible Original podcast show was originally launched as an English-language series in June 2021, and is made up of six seasons – Marvel’s Wastelanders: Star-Lord, Marvel’s Wastelanders: Hawkeye, Marvel’s Wastelanders: Black Widow, Marvel’s Wastelanders: Wolverine, Marvel’s Wastelanders: Doom and Marvel’s Wastelanders, which will culminate the series with a epic finale. Kareena has three projects in her pipeline including The Crew with Tabu and Kriti Sanon. She will also be seen in a Sujoy Ghosh-directed thriller, an adaptation of The Devotion of Suspect X, which is based on the 2005 bestselling Japanese novel. Fans will also see her in a murder mystery by Hansal Mehta.