Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan’s old photo has been shared by dance choreographer Shiamak Davar on Instagram. They were recently seen in Pathaan. If Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan’s bromance in Pathaan wasn’t enough, a new photo of the two has emerged online. Originally shared by choreographer Shiamak Davar, the photo features the two Khans smiling during a rehearsal. Revealing work experience with both, Shiamak praised Shah Rukh’s latest outing Pathaan, which marks their rare reunion on screen after Om Shanti Om. In the photo, Shah Rukh and Salman Khan sat with Shiamak Davar. The photo appeared to be clicked during some event/show rehearsal. As the two actors look younger, the old photo left fans nostalgic. While Shah Rukh wore a grey shirt with baggy pants and a bandana, Salman sported a casual look in a grey t-shirt and denim pants. Sharing the photo, Shiamak Davar wrote in the caption, “It’s truly amazing to meet the two biggest superstars of Bollywood. I remember when @iamsrk launched me for Dil Toh Pagal Hai, for which I’m truly and eternally grateful to this day, and now seeing him absolutely slay it on the big screen with Pathaan. And how can we forget about the other megastar in the room, @beingsalmankhan who adds absolute value and entertainment with his alluring presence. Wishing these two legends all the best for their future endeavours.” Responding to it, a fan commented, “How awesome 3 legends together. Would love to seeing them working together.” “Indeed they are only superstars,” added another one. Someone else also said, “3 legends in one frame.” Shah Rukh is currently flying high on the success of his film, Pathaan. Directed by Siddharth Anand, the film, backed by Aditya Chopra’s Yash Raj Films, also featured Deepika Padukone and John Abraham. Salman Khan was no less than a sweet surprise for fans with his special appearance. A special scene was also added as the post-credit scene. They are parts of YRF’s spy universe with their iconic characters, Shah Rukh as Pathaan and Salman as Tiger. Besides them, Hrithik will also be joining as Kabir. Talking about reuniting with Shah Rukh on bigscreen, Salman was quoted by the news agency ANI saying, “For Shah Rukh and I to come together on the big screen, it always needed a special film and I’m glad Pathaan is that film. When we did Karan Arjun, it was a blockbuster and now, Pathaan, which is part of YRF’s Spy Universe, has also turned out to be a blockbuster. I’m aware that audiences love to see us together on screen and I’m happy that they have given us so much love in Pathaan. I was floored when Adi narrated the sequence to me and told me about his vision to bring us together on screen again.”