Congratulations are in order for ace bowler Shaheen Shah Afridi and his wife Ansha Afridi, the daughter of former Pakistan cricket team captain Shahid Afridi. The couple had their nikkah ceremony at a daytime event on Friday. With most of the men in green in attendance, along with actor Adnan Siddiqui, the pictures and videos from the event were worth the wait. From skipper Babar Azam hugging the groom to the cricket squad posing with Shaheen on his special day, the event was a star-studded one and well, we didn’t expect any less. On Saturday, Shahid took to Instagram to share pictures from his daughter’s wedding and penned an emotional note. “A daughter is the most beautiful flower of your garden because they blossom with great blessing. A daughter is someone you laugh with, dream with, and love with all your heart. As a parent, I gave my daughter in Nikkah to Shaheen Afridi, congratulations to the two of them,” he captioned the post. After the groom said qabool hai at a mosque surrounded by his brothers and father-in-law, Shahid, the family hosted an intimate reception for the couple at the DHA Golf and Country Club. With the sea as the backdrop, Shaheen and Ansha’s afternoon nikkah featured pink and ivory decor, a perfect complement to the muted beige and silver tones of their respective outfits. Previously, Pakistan pacer Haris Rauf, middle-order batter Shan Masood got married making the wedding season for Pakistan players in light.