Who’s next? on October 23, 2019“Selected” is not a new or word for him years back he was selected with blessings of Javaid Burki and Majid khan for one international match with only club cricket credentials. He failed miserably to perform and was thrown out of team. He went to Oxford, worked hard and paid lot of attention to his […]
Movers and Shakers on October 16, 2019For a moment, forget the dharna politics and its implications. Let’s talk about the interesting politics of JUI with the historical and future perspective for a better understanding of its future politics. Shah Waliullah’s disciples (Rashid Gungohi and Qasim Nanotvi) battled the British when Shah and his son, Shah Abdul Aziz, started pushing Indians to […]
A new war on October 2, 2019The September 14 cruise missile strikes, through drones, on the Saudi Aramco oilfields by Iran or any of its allies directly challenges defence of Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states, along with regional and global interests of the United States of America. The attack clearly demonstrates Iran’s capacity to cause severe damage through precision of […]
Eye in the Sky on September 24, 2019Well before our Prime Minister’s speech on 27 ,September in UN General Assembly, Supreme Court of India’s decision about Kashmir curfew turned the situation in IHK. it is anticipated that there will be no curfew in Kashmir when PMs of India and Pakistan will be addressing in UN General assembly. To restore normalcy, Indian Supreme […]
‘Good Lord help us’ on September 13, 2019Over the past one year especially and from two and half years in general our serious national issues are now prime target of flagrant and comical statements. But it was never expected that our nuclear program and doctrine which is the most crucial part of our security and strategic apparatus will be discussed through such […]