Skill, money and refinement on June 30, 2019The world is changing fast and a number of us already feel outdated and out of step. There is now more and more emphasis on specialization, service delivery and most importantly speed with which these two are achieved. The vast and over whelming amounts of technical and digital information in all fields today are too […]
Labour Day — 2019 or 1819? on May 1, 2019Adam Smith once said, “The man who works so moderately as to be able to work constantly not only preserves his health the longest but, in the course of the year, executes the greatest quantity of work.” This quote got me thinking -Are we in any way compromising on work productivity as well as personal […]
Educated Ignorance on March 3, 2019Education is big business these days. Education is money for the providers and path to more money for the recipients. This is surely what would be considered real growth by most of us here in Pakistan. However, for the more intellectual, education is propaganda and mind control tool, which when scientifically implemented for specific purpose […]
Heritage and our lives on December 31, 2018Heritage is important and most of us feel we need to make efforts to conserve it. These days there is renewed vigour in the area of culture and heritage especially now that for the first time in the history of Pakistan our cultural policies have been officially passed first in Khyber Pukhtunkhwa and then followed […]
Pakistan and the ghost of partition on November 11, 2018Even after so many years of its existence, some of the intellectual Pakistanis continue to be haunted by these questions — why was Pakistan made? In which direction should Pakistan head? Should Pakistan be a secular or an Islamic state? There are numerous arguments circulating on various forums and all of them seem plausible from […]
Music, media and education on April 23, 2018This is the age of media and information. Increasingly, for most of us in our forties and older, a sense of being out of date and out of step with ever changing and improving technology overwhelms us, and the more we try, the more we realise we would never catch up. On the other hand, […]
Music and mind control on June 18, 2017German mathematician and philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz once said, “The pleasure we obtain from music comes from counting, but counting unconsciously. Music is nothing but unconscious arithmetic.” Music indeed has a mathematical structure and it is exactly this mathematical symmetry and rhythm, which gives it a potent and instant ability to give us pleasure. I […]