How Money Laundering Is Done In Pakistan on September 6, 2019Money laundering is a complex type of a white-collar crime. It has far-reaching negative effects upon the economy of any country. What is money laundering? The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) identifies it as the processing of criminal proceeds to disguise their illegal origin. FATF being watchdog of governments’ financial activities to track any misappropriation […]
Harassment of women at workplace: myth and reality on August 4, 2019What constitutes harassment? No doubt, there are thousands and thousands of ways through which one could harass someone, especially in the case of a woman. You can harass a female by using abusive words or gestures; by scratching your private organs in front of a female; by blowing cigarette smoke on her face; by simply […]
The paradox of cyber crimes in Pakistan ( part II) on June 27, 2019EMOTIONAL IMPACT OF CYBER CRIME: The emotional impact of cyber crime shows that victims’ strongest reactions are feeling angry, annoyed, dejected and cheated, and in many cases, they blame themselves for being attacked. Only few people don’t think it will happen to them, and majority d not expect cyber criminals to be brought to justice […]
The Paradox Of Cyber Crimes In Pakistan( part I) on June 26, 2019Cyber Crime is not a traditional offense. It is a crime which has transnational and trans borders ramifications. It affects society in different ways. Cyber crime is a term for any illegal activity that uses a computer, cell phone or any other electronic device as its primary means of commission. The computer or electronic device […]
The menace of human trafficking (Part II) on May 20, 2019The Government of Pakistan made some progress in its efforts to protect victims of human trafficking. But it lacks adequate procedures and resources for pro-active approach to identify victims of trafficking among vulnerable persons, especially child labourers, women and children in prostitution, and agricultural and brick kiln workers. FIA and the police referred trafficking victims, […]
The menace of human trafficking (Part I) on May 20, 2019Human Trafficking is considered to be the third largest illegal trade behind Drugs and Arms smuggling. Unfortunately Pakistan is considered as a source, transit, and destination country for men, women, and children subjected to trafficking in persons, specifically forced labour and prostitution. Poverty, lack of education, immigration policy, environmental conditions, fractured families, lack of economic […]