“After many months of sitting at home, this is indeed good news,” says Hoda, a student who hopes to resume her civil engineering degree in Kabul. “But I know many lecturers have left Afghanistan.” BBC Pashto has established that since the Taliban took control last August, 229 professors from three of the country’s major universities […]
Media and My Right to Dignity
Few incidents in the past few months like that of the Tiktoker at Minar-e-Pakistan, a boy harassing an abaya-clad girl on a bike and in a three-wheeler are quite upsetting amid on-and-off sermons of constitutional assurance of equality. However, the ground realities in connection with the idea of equality are still a dream. Multiple laws […]
Let’s talk about gender parity — not women’s clothes
The Prime Minister has sparked more debate by once more linking the growing number of rape cases to how women dress. Social media as well as print and electronic are ablaze. Some stand by Imran Khan while others most definitely do not. This has reminded me of the shocking Lahore-Sialkot Motorway incident that occurred last […]
Strategic education vision needed
When even the most developed nations have proved not immune to the socio-economic and political fallout wrought by Covid-19 — what can we say about Third World countries? For here, most decision-making remains largely politics-oriented as opposed to focusing on public facilitation and basic rights. Sadly, Pakistan is no exception. The economy has been left […]
Equal citizenry and senior citizens
The global population of senior citizens aged 60 was around 962 million in 2017 and the number is expected to be doubled in 2025 when it is projected to reach 2.1 billion .Mean time a new demographic dividend The longevity Dividend is also emerging as population age .The longevity dividend refers to a health opportunity […]
The other side of the picture
The international campaign of sixteen days of activism against gender based violence kicked off on 25 th November with the theme orange the world ,Fund ,respond and Collect .The campaign aims at raising awareness among nations over the violation of human rights and that too of the women .In Pakistan in also started off with […]
Let’s redefine soft skills
Mam I can’t type but can give you the hand written answer was the response of a student of last semester doing his engineering degree from a university of information technology. The response left me wonderingin fact, as computer literacy is something assumed to be mandatory skill for all university students and specifically the ones […]
Digitalization of zakat in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa; An era of procedural transparency
The concept of charity to society is found in almost all divine religions as well as man-made religions. Christianity has a concept of charity but mostly Church is considered its beneficiary.Judaism talks of charity and calls it Tzedakah and which means more than giving money to the poor but having empathy as well.In Sikhism “One […]
Child Marriage Blurred lines between blind faith and Morality
Article 1 of The Convention on the Rights of the Child by UNICEF defines a child; “For the present Convention, a child means every human being below the age of eighteen years unless, under the law applicable to the child, the majority is attained earlier”. Pakistan has committed to eliminating child, early, and forced marriage […]
Eighteenth Amendment amidst COVID 19
COVID 19 can be called ‘the transformer’ as the whole world’s state of affairs seems to be in revival, be it socially, culturally, economically or politically. With an unexpected crisis being global has lead to extraordinary measures by the states whether Democratic Dictatorial, or monarchies. In the wake of this pandemic where the economies seemed […]