‘A Shadow of Evil’ — fantasy series by a teenager on April 2, 2018There are some extraordinary young writers who are neglected and not appreciated in Pakistan. In today’s society, young individuals are forced to study practical subjects rather than to pursue their passions. Parents want children to fulfill their dreams. They, themselves, decide what’s best for their child and crush whatever dreams and hopes the children may […]
14-year-old Faizan is Pakistan’s youngest published fiction writer on March 3, 2018Haruki Murakami, a renowned Japanese author, once said, “If you’re young and talented, it’s like you have wings”. It seems that 14-year-old Faizan Aslam Soofi, one of the world’s youngest published authors and Pakistan’s youngest published fiction writer, is soaring towards the sky with his critically acclaimed books. He has published 4 books including two […]