Being an important maritime state in the Indian Ocean region (IOR), Pakistan is blessed with over 1000 km long coastline and the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) covering about 290,000 Sq. Km including extension of continental shelf (50,000 Sq. Km) which was approved by the United Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (UNCLCS) […]
Slut-shaming the deceased — A new low for Pakistani society
For connoisseurs of popular showbiz or the fashion industry, a celebrity is the nucleus of their entertainment experience. Despite recent changes in the Pakistani mediascape, female stars and models are somewhat continuously lambasted and often hurled at with slut-shaming. Not being a critic of their work and being a critic of their personal life is […]
Isolation is not new for marginalized communities
It is rather woeful to realize that despite all the luxuries in our households, we still feel devastated by this isolation, but there is a community that has been isolated ever since the genesis of Pakistan – the transgender community. It is utterly appalling and dismal to realize that during these times of this pandemic, […]
The fate of political prisoners in Kashmir amid Corona outbreak
Amidst the seemingly perpetual lockdown Mother Nature has dragged us in, I could not stop but to contemplate and be appalled when I tried to compare this feeble lockdown with the lockdown people of Jammu and Kashmir have been ensnared in for all these years by the Indian authorities. Shivers went down my spine when […]
SDGs and ignorance of Pakistan’s media
With journalism now having reached the epitome of influence through out the masses , global news media can now finally enlighten the world and raise awareness for the SDGs – sustainable development goals. These SDGs actually form the quintessential nucleus or brainchild behind any ‘standard’ journalism. These 17 development goals encompass all walks of life […]
Journalism in Pakistan is not a piece of cake!
One can be completely dumbfounded as to how a journalist is treated in our country. A journalist serves as a cornerstone of society; trying to risk his life to broach the truth while often having to face perilous situations, which can often lead to a sticky end. Yet, despite knowing all the dangers through which […]
Alarming situation of child marriages in Pakistan
One might be utterly appalled, their blood running cold, on realising that forced child marriage is a norm within our vile and dark uneducated community. According to a UNICEF report in 2013, around 21 per cent of the girls in Pakistan were married before the age of consent, which is 18 years, and with the […]
What Pak-India trade has on the table for both countries?
Relations between India and Pakistan have always been at an ebb due to a plethora of historical and political events. The aftermath of two major scale wars, countless accusations of espionage by both countries on international platforms and cross-country political turmoil has left the Indo-Pak trade as a hit or miss affair for both countries […]
Eradicating rural poverty in Pakistan is the need of the hour
Without a shadow of doubt, the rural areas of Pakistan are reservoirs of poverty. More than six decades have passed since the inception of Pakistan, and yet Pakistan’s rural system is still struck with the darkness of destitution. Pakistan’s major natural resource is its stable land, and even though agriculture constitutes of about 20 percent […]
All is hell in Kashmir
India says all is well in Kashmir, but when I contemplate about the current situation in Kashmir, a single phrase frantically screams in my mind and that is “all is hell in Kashmir”. Hell might still feel a bit better than what is happening over there in Kashmir. Hell is a place of sinners but […]