Half of the entire country’s workforce wants a new job in 2018 because bosses can’t make these basic changes on January 8, 2018There’s something that’s even more depressing than the dizzying number of emails clogging up my inbox after the Christmas break, and that’s the subject lines that a considerable number of these unread messages bear. Nestled among press releases hailing the best-performing stocks of 2017, research reports on the supposed bitcoin bubble, and a painful number […]
The looming bust in digital is far more scary than Brexit on July 10, 2017Do you remember a company called Pets.com? No, I didn’t think so. It was an online retailer for pet accessories that started operating in 1998. It ran a wildly successful marketing campaign, featuring an odd doglike sock puppet but more notably it was an early pioneer of selling stuff on the under-explored plains of the […]
Business is now dominated by white, privately educated tech bros and thats bad news for the rest of us on May 29, 2017Any advocate of diversity in business has excuses to despair galore these days. White, predominately privately educated men run corporate Britain. The gender pay gap is doggedly stuck in double digits and, as of late last year, more than half of FTSE 100 companies did not have any directors of colour. Only nine BME executives […]
The data is misleading when it comes to diversity in British boardrooms and Brexit is set to make it worse on March 20, 2017When it comes to achieving diversity among the upper echelons of management in Britain’s blue chip companies, there’s certainly an argument that progress is worth celebrating, however small and sluggish. And in this case you may even argue that progress has, in fact, not been small at all. At the end of last year, 40 […]