Defund Propaganda on December 10, 2024Fake news. Sloppy journalism. Politicising the news. These terms may look loaded to the eyes and depending on where the audience stands on the spectrum they can very easily (in the blink of the eye) brand the target on the back of the messenger. For, in a world where blurred lines are the new normal […]
Devious Art of Lying on December 3, 20248? No, 34! No, no 45? Are you crazy? 150 Have you lost it? 274 Dishonour on your cow! 1000 Last week consumed all of Pakistan with scandalising accounts of casualties resulting as a direct consequence of PTI’s march on Islamabad. That most of its leadership is busy casting allegations on the law enforcement agencies, […]
Is it Punjab’s Turn to Shine? on July 23, 2024The strength and power of our words can leave a lasting impression. In March, soon after the new government had taken its oath, I had a chance to interview Azma Bukhari, who had picked up the baton as a spokesperson to the first female Chief Minister of Punjab, Pakistan’s heartland. When asked about her hopes […]
New Twist on June 4, 2024Sometimes, conclusions end up raising more questions than they wish to answer. A court in Islamabad, by nullifying the sentence of Imran Khan and his close aide, Shah Mahmood Qureshi, in a case related to the leaking of state secrets, sparked immense debate across the nation. Today, the bench believed that no evidence had been […]
Celebrating Women: Made in Alipur on May 21, 2024Made in Alipur is a community organization, which works for the welfare of rural women. It was founded in 2022 by Amina Kanju. For the past three years, Amina has been residing in her village, working towards the economic empowerment of the rural women in her village in a way to secure their livelihoods and […]
Shaheens versus BlackCaps: A Nightmare on April 29, 2024“We hit more boundaries than them and we bowled more dot balls than them,” Pakistani Coach Azhar Mahmood had exclaimed at the end of the fourth Twenty20 international against New Zealand in Lahore. All respect to Coach, but he better share more about his trip to the LalaLand. For all those sitting in the packed […]
Would third time be the charm? on April 28, 2024Got the bat. Lost the bat. Got it again. Lost it again. No intra-party polls equal no chance of recognition as an official political party. So what if the polls have been held, and transparency is not at par with the Elections Act? So what if these concerns were addressed, some Mickey Mouse believes the […]
To Friendship… on April 26, 2024Promises by Pakistan and Iran’s executive to increase bilateral trade to an ambitious 10 billion dollars might have been music to the ears of those who constantly talk about the importance of making bridges in the neighbourhood. With just one calm border, Pakistan enjoys notoriety for its inclination to act like a no-man’s land. However, […]
Scandal Peddlers and National Interests on April 19, 2024“These are the two countries, Saudi Arabia and the United States, with whose cooperation the regime change operation took place.” “Saudi Arabia played the role of a conduit.” “Saudi Arabian government “serves their (the US) purposes in the region on their directions.” Imagine the impact of such half-baked ideas when said out loud on national […]
Click-Baiting on March 29, 2024Kate Middleton has gone missing. The palace is in crisis. Why is artificial intelligence being used to post announcements? Did the future queen of the UK really use magazine covers from the years gone by to create family posts for social media? Would anyone like to raise their hand and admit that we, as media, […]