Polarization and Democracy on December 23, 2024A marked degree of divergence of opinion is seen among major political parties in Pakistan. It has created policy gaps, obstructed good governance and impeded policy implementation in the country. Instead of using the platform of parliament to resolve key issues, it is often preferred to stage protests and use the strategy of agitation to […]
National Security Challenges on September 22, 2024National security is an evolving concept and each country crafts security policies and sets goals in accordance with emerging threats. In this modern time, the concept of security has significantly changed as new threats continue to emerge in various forms and degrees. Once traditional security appeared to have dominated the national security paradigm, emerging non-traditional […]
UN and global peace on April 30, 2024Has the UN succeeded in its primary objective of maintaining international peace and security in the world? Liberal institutionalists opine that the UN has succeeded in maintaining global peace and security as it has averted major global conflicts since 1945. Despite intense security competition and proxy warfare during the Cold War, the World Organization has […]
Challenges to deterrence on April 22, 2024Michael J. Mazarr defines deterrence as ‘the practice of discouraging or restraining someone-in world politics, usually a nation-state-from taking actions, such as an armed attack.’ It involves an effort to stop or prevent a state from taking military action against another state. A weak state often tends to undertake preemptive military action against a perceived […]
A strategic collision? on August 16, 2020Despite the Covid-19 pandemic diluting the importance of other burning issues, the border crisis between China and India grabbed a good deal of global attention. It was feared that two “Asian giants” had been on a collision course. It may escalate to a major confrontation. When the move followed the deadly fighting between Chinese and […]
Perils of geoeconomics on July 7, 2020Rcent developments suggest that geoeconomics has displaced ‘classical’ geopolitics. It has become the statecraft of many countries to advance their geopolitical objectives. Now the ‘logic of conflict’ is in the ‘grammar of commerce’ where the loser state presumably ‘switches’ to the grammar of conflict that certainly damages the resilience of states. This is what is […]
The dynamics of Sino-US competition on June 22, 2020THE US has adopted a competitive approach toward China. It has declared China as a major ‘strategic competitor’ and a ‘revisionist’ power that has been in quest to supersede the US in Indo-Pacific regions, promote its state-driven economic mercantilism, and reorder the existing international system to its favour. The US has also accused China of […]
The US-Pak relations: standing at strategic crossroads on June 14, 2020Can Pakistan pursue its neutral policy notwithstanding of growing Sino-US divergence and competition? Shifting paradigm of global power dynamics has created foreign policy challenges for Pakistan. The escalating tensions between the US and China have brought Pakistan at the strategic crossroads to make a strategic choice: the road to Beijing orWashington. However, Pakistan has traditionally […]