The Business Recorder on 12 August 2011, under the title, FBR: A divided house , published an article, some excerpts of which need to be reproduced in verbatim. The purpose of reproducing these is to highlight that even after about 10 years, we have still failed to achieve what was then conceived and presented. It shows […]
Breaking ‘Debt Prison’
“The central government’s debt increased at a double-digit pace to Rs. 32.1 trillion by the end of November [2019], an addition of a whopping Rs. 5.7 trillion in just one year, as the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government failed to adequately enhance revenues to meet expenditures”-Shahbaz Rana, Public debt rises to Rs. 32.1tr by Nov end, […]
Role of biotechnology in the advancement of medical science
Biotechnology is basically a biological based technology which utilizes numerous cellular and bio-molecular procedures for the development of such products and technologies which play a very crucial role in improving our lives. Due to the application and tools it utilizes, biotechnology often overlaps with the fields like bio-medical engineering, bio-engineering, molecular engineering, bio-manufacturing etc. It […]
Raising Rs. 8 trillion!
As mentioned in last week’s column, the governments — federal and provincial — are lax about taxing the rich and mighty. On the contrary, they extend them extraordinary tax-free perks and perquisites, while derisory allocations are made for health, education and other social services to mitigate the sufferings of the poor that are increasing day […]
Elites, perks and tax breaks
In a country where an indomitable state oligarchy enjoys unprecedented tax-free perquisites and perks at the expense of taxpayers, what one can expect is fiscal chaos and double talk about loyalty to the state. The self-styled defenders of our ‘national cause’ do little to eliminate naked and brutal forms of exploitation prevalent in society. Despite, […]
Prerequisites for tax reforms
The government of Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI), like its predecessors, has no definite action plan for tax reforms though independent research studies are available for achieving the desired goals mentioned in its First 100-Day Agenda. The modus operandi of bureaucrats (which has now successfully trapped the PTI government) is known to all – it disconnects leaders […]
Reconstructing FBR
The appointment of Dr Muhammad Jahanzeb Khan, a Grade 22 officer of the Pakistan Administrative Service, belonging to the 15th Common Training Programme (CTP), on August 28, 2018 as the Chairman Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), caused resentment amongst officers of the Inland Revenue Service (IRS) and Pakistan Customs Service (PCS), especially those senior to […]
Retrieving stolen money
Debate about the retrieval of stolen, plundered, untaxed assets stashed abroad by Pakistanis has elicited heated arguments and bitter controversies. It gained more attention after the newly-formed Cabinet, in its maiden meeting chaired by the Premier, Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi, ordered a task force to look into the matter. The controversies relate to figures quoted […]