Higher education for rural areas on April 2, 2018Dawn had yet to break that Monday morning. Asif, a student of F.Sc, was briskly walking to the Daud Khel Railway Station in Mianwali district, to board a train in order to get to his college in the neighbouring district. He is a brilliant student who topped his class, and despite all odds, his poverty-stricken family decided […]
Senate Election: A foreplay to General Elections on March 14, 2018Senate elections have concluded and the bitterly contested slot of Chairman of Senate has been resolved too. A little known politician from Chaghi district of Balochistan has earned the honour to head the Upper House. The well-known names and supposedly top contenders, Raza Rabbani, Parvaiz Rashid didn’t earn the nod of their respective parties, to […]