Mehwish Hayat said she was disappointed in Bollywood celebs for their lack of support or care for their fans in Pakistan at a time when the country was facing devastating floods and people across the world were taking notice. Mehwish took to her Instagram Stories to share a note by journalist Haroon Rashid, who hosts a show on BBC. Acknowledging his post and calling his point ‘valid’, she wrote, “The silence from the Bollywood fraternity is deafening. ‘Suffering knows no nationality, race or religion – no better time for them to show us that they can rise above nationalist politics and care about their fans in Pakistan. We are hurting and a kind word or two would not go amiss.” The silence from the Bollywood fraternity is deafening. "Suffering knows no nationality,race or religion”- No better time for them to show us that they can rise above nationalist politics & care about their fans in Pakistan. We are hurting & a kind word or two would not go amiss. — Mehwish Hayat TI (@MehwishHayat) September 3, 2022 In his original post, Haroon had said, “I genuinely thought humanity knows no borders but it’s telling that hardly any Bollywood stars have posted about the devastating floods in Pakistan – raise awareness, share links, just show sympathy. They know how popular they are and how much that acknowledgment would mean.” Pakistan is in a state of national emergency with over 1,200 dead, over 12,000 injured and tens of millions displaced.