Listen! Doesn’t the dawn crack upon us giving away equal light to all. When the flakes of snow cover the earth white do they have a gender? They do not ask a question who they are about to fall onto. Venus, the miraculous moon doesn’t shine brighter for you and lighter for me it caresses us equally. Flowers scent our eyes invigorate our senses the grains from the chaff empower us equally. If the drops of rain drench me and you do they fall more on you and less on me? The cotton balls hover above us, comforting us from the atrocious sun. Never has once a cloud questioned whom to shelter. The Providence, the angels, mother Nature and the world is unbiased why should we be biased. Wasn’t the the difference in gender to segregate me from you but not differentiate me and you. We rule the earth, we populate the world, we are together in this universe and if we split US then if you weren’t her I would be unborn. And if I wasn’t born you would he lonely. And if WE weren’t together this world would be useless. Look! We have walked miles together, I have trusted you with my honour and my life, I have found happiness in your rules and I respect you for your support and protection. I admire you for the power of your decisions and the strength in your persona. It’s time now that you make the world appreciate my worth by giving me a share of all that is ours. If nature looks at us alike then it is time to share. Since the inception of Time, I have walked behind you helping you, abiding your decisions. It is time to share respect, privilege, love, care and power 50/50. Be not intimidated as I am your left wing. It is time for you to trust me and let me walk beside you not in your shadow. Hold my hand and let me take my flight and do not clip my wings for I’ll be back into my nest with you. I will empower you with the powers that you’ve entrusted me with. Together we’ll share the reigns of future and determine the times to come. It is time for planet 50/50.