ISLAMABAD: Celebrated Pakistani actor Ushna Shah unveiled the first look of her upcoming telefilm ‘Mast Mohabbat’ under the banner of 7th Sky Entertainment. Ushna is one of the top names of Pakistan’s showbiz industry and has proven her talent with exceptional performances in serials like ‘Cheekh’, ‘Balaa’ and ‘Bewafa’ among others. Taking to her Instagram, the model and actor dropped the teaser image of much awaited telefilm and fans can’t wait to see it. The telefilm is produced by Abdullah Kadwani and Asad Qureshi, written by none other than the very talented Soofia Khurram while Mazhar Moin directed the forthcoming telefilm. People are also anticipating ‘Mast Mohabbat’ because two of the most famous Pakistani celebrities will be sharing the screen. The star-studded cast include Ushna Shah as Anchal, Muneeb Butt as Affan and the ever-green Hina Dilpazeer as Dadi. Javeria Abbasi and Fazila Qazi are also the part of stellar cast. ‘Mast Mohabbat’ features all the prominent actors who are known for their impressive acting skills. That explains why fans are super excited about its release.