Begum Samina Arif Alvi on Tuesday urged to take special focus on the education of persons with disabilities to transform them into dignified and productive citizens. “We need to pay special attention to education sector and take immediate steps for special persons on priority to transform them into useful citizens,” she said while addressing a ceremony held at government secondary school for special persons in the city. She said overall improvement of the education system was vital to bring a visible change in society. Begum Alvi hoped that Punjab government would take concrete steps to raise standard of education, adding, training of differently abled persons was as much important as other people. Special children were intelligent and blessed with God gifted talent who would perform well if got a suitable platform, she said adding that they needed a purposeful education and training that could help them earn livelihood with dignity. She recalled that she had paid special attention to education in the constituency of President Arif Alvi when he (The President) was Member Nation Assembly during the previous government tenure.