Actress Hania Amir and social media sensation Momin Saqib are set to star in Shazia Wajahat’s directorial debut ‘Dil Ke Chor’, which is set to release this Eid-ul-Fitr. In a recent interview, the Director said that the story is a “very cute” romantic comedy written by Raheel Ahmed and the telefilm’s cast includes Hania, Momin and industry veterans Rubina Ashraf and Hina Dilpazeer. Explaining the idea behind the telefilm, Shazia Wajahat said, ‘I love the experience of working with her because she’s so full of life, so she was well suited to the bubbly character we wanted’ Explaining the idea behind the telefilm, Shazia Wajahat said, “I love the experience of working with her because she’s so full of life, so she was well suited to the bubbly character we wanted. As for Momin, he hasn’t done a comic role on television before. Reading the script, I just thought given the chance, his comic timing would be well-suited for the role.” The telefilm’s air date has currently not been announced, however, it will be airing this Eid.