Long before COVID had sabotaged Pakistan, and had influenced the government to impose emergencies in hospitals and lockdowns to restrict social activity, I feared more for how our nation would react to the chaos which comes as complimentary with the disease itself rather than the health-related repercussions. What feared me was, this disease might test our nation’s morals and ethics in a more thoroughly than it would test our immunities. As far as the immunity levels are concerned, according to health experts and in light of the current circumstances, it can be derived that the virus, though still dangerous, might not be fatal for people in this particular region. But the situation, is nearly inverse in the case of the former, i.e. morals of our people. I may sound a bit too harsh while discussing this topic but trust me, these words come straight from my heart as I see families starving, people taking their own lives as they could not afford the most basic necessities. Visuals of employees protesting for their salaries are being run on news channels all day long but neither does this move employers who are rigid on their decisions nor does it compel the government to take any decision. The affectees of such cruelties are usually from the most under-privileged sections of the society who cannot take a stand for themselves, but the calamity and seriousness of the situation can be realized by the fact that even the people who were well-to-do prior to this unfortunate condition, are in deep waters. One of the major victims of this condition are our teachers’ and other academic as well as non-academic staff which serves for the, rightly labelled, private schools mafia. Teachers have always been deprived of their actual stature and respect. The place that they deserve in our society is never given to them, but this hard-heartedness peaked and converted into barbarity when numerous teachers were fired and their valid salary demands were refuted by their managements. Closing of schools was amongst the few steps that the government took straightaway once the number of Corona patients in the country increased. Despite fee collection being guaranteed by the government, some schools, predominantly those corrupt and immoral businesses who classify themselves as ‘small schools’ reacted to the government orders by laying off employees in massive numbers, without any prior notice. The salaries of the remaining employees are withheld in the name of financial difficulties. An important point to add at this stage is; educational institutions are still collecting their fees albeit with a meager 20% reduction. With the schools being closed, one can clearly evaluate the decrease in the variable overheads being paid by school owners, which compensates for the decrease in fees. Therefore, downsizing of the workforce is merely a strategy to maximize their profits. On-paper, the government pledged to take action against any institution which tries to fire or stop salaries of their employees, however, like in many other cases the on-ground situation is completely opposite. Where such mafias and groups have opened up opportunities for critics to defame the image of the country, on the other hand this lockdown has provided us with ample evidences to support a claim that is made quite often; Pakistani people are amongst one of the most generous and bighearted nations globally. Contrary to the illicit practices of such condemnable groups, ration drives were run across the country by NGOs and affluent and wealthy individuals to support the people who were affected by such unlawful acts. Sooner or later, COVID will lose the spotlight, and we might forget about the disease itself, but what will always remain in our minds is how difficult this time was. The heroes who are tirelessly working for the welfare of the society will be remembered as heroes and will be appreciated for their efforts, whereas the oppressors will be looked down with hatred and disgust.