Supreme Court (SC) on Thursday has rejected the report submitted by Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) regarding its missing aircraft. During the hearing of a case pertaining to appointment of chief executive officer of PIA, Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Gulzar Ahmed remarked that the administration is not having any idea about the four planes of national flag carrier. The PIA board lawyer said that a detailed report on three planes will soon be submitted in the court. The top judge stated that the national airlines require permanent CEO. Subsequently, the hearing has been adjourned till first week of March. Earlier, SC had heard the missing aircraft case during which, the PIA officials told the court that the plane was not missing but sold for 103,000 dollars. The aircraft was also used for movie shooting for which, 210,000 euros were paid, they said. The officials further said that the aircraft had reached its age limit in 2016 after which, it was sent to Germany to be grounded with the permission of Civil Aviation Authority (CAA).