DADU: A dispute was settled between the Mallah and Solangi tribes by a Jirga held at Zila council hall Dadu town on Tuesday. The Jirga was held under the patron of tribal chief of Noohani tribe Sardar Hakim Ali Noohani. Ayoob Mallah and Ghulam Nabi Solangi were selected for negotiations from both the tribes. According to details, some six months back Akbar, son of Abdul Razak Solangi, was killed in a dispute. After hearing witnesses, it was proved that Akbar was murdered by Rafique Mallah and his supporters. The Jirga imposed the fine of Rs 2.8 million on Rafique Mallah and his supporters, and this penalty was to be paid within six months. Both the tribes accepted the decision of Jirga.