“Until the lion learns how to write every story will glorify the hunter” the endless array of feminism remains and after the third wave they are cognizant chances of its 4th waveuprising as the third of internationalizing women is about to end it stated to snub men and to be domineering against them but the non-innate demands uprising in this newly constructing wave is more disastrous.
Gorbachev said in 1987 that we are exploiting women in the name of feminism giving them more responsibilities and load of work in which they have to do double duty. He declared it smart tactic of western world to intrude and increase their surplus this could also burden a woman’s domestic tasks too.
Women went much vocal in Pakistan after 1970’s as they were granted prior coverage on every issue female activism is being observed everywhere its implications will be very challenging because women have started to demand something which is unjustifiable they are going against morality. Now the repercussions of polarized feminism has moved towards Pakistan as the students started to chant slogans of “”Jab laal laal lehraega” and “Asia surkh hoga” this is leading towards so called alternatives of Islam which phenomena shall be condemned as the basis of Pakistan’s Ideology is on Islam such permeation has to be stopped these activist are using gullible minds for their agenda setting in the name of student solidarity. We always rant about external factors but don’t assume the connectors and their handlers within the country who are in the name of support heinously using our territory our resources diluting the minds with their philosophies. We don’t mind a feminism or women activism if it does not halt the system and annihilate the approach of development. The torment under which assistant commissioner Jannat Hussain Nekokara had gone shall be objurgated as her faith was questioned by some radicals.
The Lady Health Workers initiative, a government-run program that employs women to travel door to door in low income neighborhoods and provide contraceptives, vaccinations and information about family planning and women’s health and , the women in the Okara Military Farms struggle, a movement for land rights by the tenants of Punjab’s military farms. It is said that “all forms of desire are discursively organized” which is getting uphill to nourish and Pakistan is grappling this issue from decades. The Feminists in past were demanding agrarian system but the current war against patriarchy and matriarchy has gone farther.
Women went much vocal in Pakistan after 1970’s as they were granted prior coverage on every issue female activism is being observed everywhere its implications will be very challenging because women have started to demand something which is unjustifiable they are going against morality
Millennium development Goals (MDGs) came forward from UN General Assembly for the purpose of gender equality it brought marvelous reforms but failed to accomplish. Pakistan’s enigma is that it loss up to 10 billion dollars due to environmental degradation then there came SDG’s in 2015 on which work is in process which don’t risk the future generations for betterment of the current.
Many steps had been taken to Robust feminism but the way it is paving now seems very petrifying in the name of aurat march they came up with rupture of their naïve banner to bold and immodest. Womencomprise 48.76 percent of the total population in Pakistan, which means almost half the people in Pakistan are women there is enough legislation present on the ground but its practice has to be ensured for strengthening women role in every field of society. Women have every facility their rights are being protected they are socially recognized. Women economic empowerment has to be done on national level vocational training has to be expanded so that women residing in small villages may get these to build up themselves as entrepreneur
Vehement debates over supporting the LGBT community serves as another example of how intolerantwe are as a nation. You will come across people who are LGBT rights activist (some to make themselvesSound ‘cool’ and flutter on social media and some because they genuinely care
The newly establishing feminism wave which is quite bigger than secularism feminist’s of this states that we don’t want to remain as incubator they are contradicting our all rituals,ethics and human nature with their complete absurdity.
They have nothing to do with women empowerment as the revamping of meetoo movement was also the tactic picked from 18th century black women for the purpose of gaining fame and hitting fundamentals of religion being undercover in the name of harassment for making the society ordained letting them do whatever they want to do so. There shall be full stop to this and quantum loop holes has to be addressed for harboring harmony for the upcoming generations and rescuing the present.
The writer is a research scholar and columnist based in Lahore who writes on social and political issues with his efforts to the benchmark