Mawra Hocane and Feroze Khan are all set to make their comeback to the silver screen with Chakkar. Directed by Yasir Nawaz, the film will revolve around a murder mystery. However, it will also contain comedy scenes, the director revealed. Nawaz has also directed rom-coms Wrong No., Wrong No. 2 and Mehrunisa V Lub U. “I want to cast a different female lead in every film,” the filmmaker said in a recent interview. Nawaz will also star alongside Mawra and Feroze. Further, Javed Sheikh will also play a prominent role in the film. While this is the duo’s first film together, both Feroze and Mawra have earlier made their appearance on the big screen with hit films. The former made his debut with Sajal Ali in Zindagi Kitni Haseen Hay in 2016. The latter was last seen on screen in Jawani Phir Nahi Ani 2 alongside Fahad Mustafa. She is currently starring in drama serial Daasi, while Feroze is busy with his upcoming drama with Hania Aamir. The shooting for Chakkar will start in January 2020 and the film is expected to hit cinemas on Eid-ul-Fitr.