Attitude Is Everything has been written by Jeff Keller, who’s a motivational speaker and an author. The book is a success manual that gives readers a step-by-step plan of taking control of their lives. Jeff Keller has written the book in very simple language. The main premise of this particular book can be seen in the title that attitude is an engine of life. It can take you everywhere. The book justifies its title “Attitude is Everything” and compels readers to change their life.
The book is split into 12 lessons which are separated in three parts. Each part includes several lessons which are thought provoking. He gives the message that you think, speak and act in ways that support your success. It can be seen in the book that how the author used principles to make a career transition from being a lawyer to a motivational speaker and shows readers how they can make positive changes in every area of their lives. This is a book that is easy to read and as well fun. It is a timeless classic in the self-help field.
Keller emphasises that you can achieve anything in life by changing your attitude. The book is based on attitude which can be positive and negative and only by changing our negative attitude into a positive one, can be a source to change our life. The author has well-defined that your attitude is your window to the world
Keller emphasises that you can achieve anything in life by changing your attitude. The book is based on attitude which can be positive and negative and only by changing our negative attitude into a positive one, can be a source to change our life. The author has well-defined that you attitude is your window to the world. He outlines attitude as a mental filter through which you can experience the world. Some people see the world through the filter of optimism, this means positive attitude while some see the world through the filter of glass being half empty, which means a negative attitude. So your attitude figuratively window must be clean.
Moreover, he encourages the readers that your words have power. Those words which you repeat constantly can create your destiny. The writer agreeably states that for having something and having strong commitment one has to have positivity.
Although, one of the most fantastic topic the book talks about is the mind-set. Having a strong and positive mindset will open the doors of success easily. Because thinking has a great power. If you are going to start something, then absolutely it will start from your mind. Whatever your mind can think it can do then it does that by way of you believe. Your thoughts must be positive you will get positive alerts. So the one who thinks positive thoughts, their believe will grow and thinking will be in control of them. When the mind is in control of them so they choose their actions positively.
Therefore, a positive attitude can change anyone’s life if they are willing to take off the burden of negativity. Although, the author gives the reference of other writers and their quotes to make the reader feel and believe that great men have always pursued positivity and a great attitude. The book greatly suggests us that attitude has a strong power and positive attitude is a way to improve the change in one’s life. I greatly recommend this book to teenagers and students to read it and change their lives.