Physical appearance not always defines your beauty. Beauty is not about having the perfect facial features; a straight-edged nose, beautiful hair texture, or being fair complexioned.
Rather beauty is determined by a person’s character, that has nothing to do with their face, as having a good heart plays a major role here.
We all think that a chiselled face or a gorgeous physique makes a person appealing.
It’s true! Physical appearances may enchant majority of people, but a flawless skin is not always “beautiful” as beauty comes from within. It’s how one feels from within and that reflects in one’s eyes. Being beautiful/pretty means having a good character, a good heart, a sound mind and positivity in actions.
Beauty is having a kind and humble heart with no greed and jealousy.
Beautiful is the one who feels for everyone and has a gentle and quiet spirit with no envy.
Beauty has so many forms like self confidence, self belief, self determination, strength to hold and fix things, courage to withstand situations with fearlessness and bravery. Such kind of a beauty will neither fade nor disappear.
Beauty is being strong minded and being comfortable and confident in your own skin.
Beauty is when you can’t be moulded by society, not get affected by the standards the society has set.
Always remember that everyone is beautiful in their own way. We live in a world where we prioritise beauty, perfection and flawlessness over an artistic mind, pretty soul and a humble heart.
Once we learn to accept our flaws, the judging eyes will lower their gaze. The moment when we embrace ourselves, we learn how to be happy in who we are. Our flaws make us beautiful and special. Flaws are just a perceptive and it’s a flaw only because we believe it’s one.
Sometimes a certain phrase or image we come across online moves us deeply. Bullying or mocking one’s insecurities or of their fears is not always fun.
Belittling people for not living up to society’s merit is totally piffle. We must beware of our sensitive and inappropriate comments.
Joking about one’s scars, marks, flaws and body type just to devalue them is the worst. The unrealistic beauty standards set by society is making young girls/boys feel like failures.
We need to stop stereotyping beauty. We need to stop shaming other people for their personal insecurities; all we are doing is making it worse. We need to rebuff our insecurities.
Not being effected and embracing one’s flaws is beauty, being imperfect is perfectly fine.
Beauty begins the moment we decide not to be fake and flaunt the real us.
Society’s standards of beauty will get old but being comfortable with yourself never will.