All of us have dreams which drive us in our lives. Calling them reason of our existence wouldn’t be wrong. For without a dream to pursue we would lack enthusiasm in our lives. However, most of us take refuge in easily attainable dreams. We don’t let ourselves tread the less trodden path. But there are few like Alamzaib Mahsud who dedicate their lives to a cause. For him, it was the missing persons issue, and he has been striving to ensure safe return of those forcibly disappeared to their families.
Alamzaib graduated in Chemistry with fine grades, and his regular video conversations with followers on social meida depicts him as a great orator. His political activism started in his student life. He has served as the president of the Insaf Student Federation, Waziristan chapter, before his affiliation with Pushtun Tahfuz Movement( PTM). Once upon a time, he used to idealize Prime Minister Imran khan as his leader.
However, when he realised that Khan had gotten distracted from the right track, and was no different from the rest of the lot, Alamzaib stopped following him. Imran Khan’s backtracking on earlier assurances to protect fundamental rights of tribal people was the specific reason that compelled Alamzaib to look elsewhere for inspiration.
Now Alamzaib is a renowned civil rights activist who raises voice for missing persons. He used to interview families of missing persons living in ex-Fata region. He has a great contribution in the release of many missing persons. Further, Alamzaib has used social media to get the message of missing persons’ families through to a larger audience.
Alamzaib was detained a few days ago while protesting against the ‘pampered murderer’ Rao Anwar
It’s worth mentioning that his maternal grandfather was affiliated with Army Special Service Group(SSG). And his father is a proud Pakistani. His family is as patriotic as ours. For they believe in the supremacy of constitution and the law of the land.
But where is he now?
Alamzaib was detained a few days ago while protesting against the ‘pampered murderer’ Rao Anwar. With his arrest, many mothers of missing persons will have cried. As they considered Alamzaib as their last hope to bring back their loved ones.
Now the indefatigable Alamzaib Mahsud has been thrown behind the bars in a bid to enervate his energies. What Alamzaib was up to could be unimportant for those residing in mainland Pakistan. But his efforts were a blessing in disguise for families whose loved ones remain disappeared for years.
In today’s Pakistan, life is difficult in general, but it’s hell for those who raise the issue of missing persons. This state of affairs is contrary to the vision of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah who wanted to make Pakistan a paradise for all those denied their basic rights in united India. And our current Prime Minister, Imran Khan, also talks repeatedly about the betterment of less privileged Pakistanis. So it’s high time for him to translate his words into actions by ordering the authorities to release Alamzaib Mahsud.
Truly, after the emergence of PTM, the state authorities have also started cooperating, as hundreds of missing persons have returned to their homes. Alamzaib had the data of all those released so far. He appreciated the state authorities for their positive initiative. But he was also critical of them where he thought they would be wrong.
Right now thousands of Pushtuns have staged a sit-in in Karachi against the arrest of Alamzaib Mahsud. They are questioning the state authorities what is wrong in askingfor one’s constitutional rights? Is it wrong to demand punishment for murder suspects like Rao Anwar?
To conclude, peace is a prerequisite for progress and prosperity of any country. Thus, the state should back individuals who want peace in their region. It’s in the best interest of all the Pakistanis regardless of their ethnic or religious backgrounds. And by detaining them, heroes like Alamzaib can’t be deterred from pursuing their goal of a just society. So the wise thing to do for the authorities will be to sincerely engage the disgruntled youngsters and pave the way for sustainable peace in the country.
The writer can be contacted at asifmahsud44
Published in Daily Times, February 1st 2019.