Smiling, with time, became my habit,
Albeit, people criticised,
For, my smile was my strength,
Gifted by Allah through you,
Came by thy appearance,
In the dwelling,
I saw thou smiling, I smiled,
But who do I see now and smile?
Since thou chose separation from me,
Thy sole elder brother, thou declared,
In the short diary, asking for my happiness,
And my smile forever,
Thou elaborated further thy wishes,
That, too, were for me,
My success and my love,
And thou quoted a short sentence,
“I am in moon up above the sky,
See me and smile, I smile back.”
My visits to the graveyard at nights are all because of what thou assumed;
To smile with the moon if thou was not around me!
Published in Daily Times, February 1st 2019.