In Pakistan, Imran Khan’s victory in the2018 elections is the continuation of the world wide momentum of the populism. The phenomenon put many grass-root and unknown entities at the helm of affairs in both developed and developing countries. This drive is being pushed according to a few essential principals of which; nationalism tops the hierarchy. This surge of populism in the21st century is turning the tides of electoral debates from international policies to domestic challenges and religious extremism. In a number of states like Afghanistan, India, and the United States, populist leaders have pinned their domestic miseries and doldrums on external adversaries. While in Pakistan, populist leader Imran Khan puts blame on maladministration, economic fiasco, institutional degradation and corruption. From Donald Trump and Modi to Imran Khan; populist theories have succeeded, and helped them become front-runner of the power show.
However, In Imran Khan’s case international media, print houses, think tanks and lobbyists have cooked up a mighty propaganda, which links Mr. Khan with domestic military establishments in order to pave the route for post elections chaos and to dilute Imran’s charisma globally.
Unlike other traditional leaders, Mr Khan always chose to move against the delusional direction set by various superpowers of the unipolar international order. He repeatedly questioned the transparency of the Global War on Terror (GWOT) on sundry international and national forums. The most instrumental measure of the GWOT drone strikes have always served a counter-productive purpose, and have triggered many terrorist acts within the proximity of Pakistan itself. Especially, during the heyday of GWOT, Imran Khan blatantly declared drone strikes as an undermining measure to Pakistan’s sovereignty.
To understand the unusual behavior of international academics, current prevailing global super-structure needs to be assessed critically. The best suited approach to analyze the role of hegemonic powers in third world states is provided by Italian Marxist, Antonio Gramsci. He identifies super-structure based on the fabricated ideology, norms and values of the capitalist bourgeois – the modern days western dominated international establishment (IE) – and their struggles for status quo.
In Imran Khan’s case, international media, print houses, think tanks and lobbyists have cooked up a mighty propaganda, which links Mr Khan with domestic military establishments in order to pave the route for post elections chaos and to dilute Imran’s charisma globally
He further asserts that these global mafias poison, temper and mould different cultures; employing coercion by recruiting diverse factions such as- political parties, media houses, funded universities and religious institutions – in those respective cultures. This makes their imposed worldview the globally validated and dominant ideology that complements the socio-political and economic status quo.
Applying this Gramscian concept to the 2018 Pakistani elections, we see that they had various atypical elements. There is increased political awareness, inspired by Khan. This I believe has awakened the soul of nationalism in the dormant body of Pakistani society and has reinvigorated the spirit of patriotism. These remarkable trends have the potential to transfer Pakistan’s status from sub-structure of super-structure to an independent identity in line with China and Russia’s resurgences while still displaying Islamic characteristics.
Similarly the international establishment can foresee the up-gradation of Pakistan’s status from being its client to an independent player in new power constellation. The grief stricken global players of the super-structure; are bent upon creating doubts about the electoral process, to reverse and defuse awareness in masses, especially in the proletariat class.
International press magnates – The Guardian, Washington Times, al-Jazeera, Foreign Affairs – have been meddling and tempering with global perspectives. Different writings tried to impose a perceptive of the Pakistan army’s hidden support for Imran Khan. Cartoons were drawn, different magazine pages were inked, and every kind of force was used to undermine the Pakistani elections and Imran Khan’s global charm. For the first time in Pakistan’s history, the2018 elections were globally discussed and covered relentlessly.
Mr. Khan has currently been uncompromisingly transparent and incorruptible both at home and in the international community. For the west these characteristics mean another defiance of the status quo in the growing chain of nationalistic leaders. Imran breaks the dark nexus between Pakistan’s conformist sub-structure with global super structure by providing an alternative, progressive and independent structure with a nationalist outlook.
The writer is an Analyst Power Politics, Security Studies & Foreign Policies of Global Powers MS IR (National Defence University, Islamabad)
Published in Daily Times, August 3rd 2018.