Brain Cutlets
A goat’s brain
An onion
A green chilli
An egg
Two ounces of flour
Salt and pepper
Bread crumbs
A slice of bread
Method – take out the brain, wash and cook it in the water until it is ready. Remove all the nervy parts from it with a spoon and fork. Soak a big slice of bread in the water. Cut the onion and chilli finely and put in the bread crumbs. Remove all water from the slice of bread, which has been soaked and mix it with the cooked brain. Put flour, salt, pepper and chilli and mix altogether and then soak into the bread crumb and shape it. Then dip into the beaten egg and fry. Just like mom makes it!
Steak & Onions with Fried Tomatoes
3/4 pounds of beef
Two big tomatoes
A large onion
Three dessert spoons of vinegar
Half a teaspoon of pepper
A teaspoon of salt
Method – wash and slice the meat into four pieces. Beat them with knife on both sides. Put them into a bowl and add vinegar, pepper and salt. Mix them altogether and keep for half or one hour, so that they become soft and tasty. Slice the onions into thick round pieces and fry until they turn brown. Cut the tomatoes into two and fry. Sprinkle some salt and pepper on the fried tomatoes. Then fry the pieces of meat in the same ghee. Turn them after sometime. When the water gets finished and the meat is not ready, put some more water. Cover the frying pan. When it is completely ready and there is no water remaining, take it off. Don’t throw away the little liquid that has remained. Keep onions and tomatoes on top when serving.
Coconut Toffee
A medium sized coconut
Half a pound of sugar
Rose essence
Half a cup of water
An ounce of butter
Four cardamoms
Method – melt sugar in half a cup of water. When it is ready, add coconut. Stir for a while then add powder or cardamoms and two lumps of butter. Keep on stirring so that it does not get burnt. When it dries, add half a teaspoon of essence and a few drops of cochineal for colouring. Put on a flame and when it gets completely dry, spread on a large plate, previously greased. Press with a greasy-paper. Make a round shape and then cut into pieces with a knife.