LAHORE: Slow, fast, nervous, patient, impatient, smooth, rash, follower of the rules, ditching the rules when possible and never a follower; your driving style depicts a lot about your personality. If you know anything about driving, you must be familiar with the basic rules and how things work on the road. Lanes, indicators, traffic signals and signs are the things you need to take into account while driving. Driving is a serious matter of concern for governments around the globe as a majority of deaths occur every year due to non-implementation or lack of traffic rules. In Pakistan, one of the most annoying things you would experience on road is that most of the people tend to take the fast lane even when they don’t intend to drive fast. They would drive slow, oblivious to the problems that other commuters face. The person behind is then forced to overtake, causing further chaos on the road, besides increasing the agony of commuters and dismantling the traffic rules. This minuscule issue depicts a lot about the behavioural problem we all have. As a nation as well as individuals, people cannot even keep up with the basic rules on road and the way they deal with things on road is exactly the way they deal with their lives. Show a little control over your drive and respect others moving with you to experience things falling into place.