The widespread abuse and exploitation of women are not confined to a particular area; it is happening across the world, endangering women’s daily lives and gravely shaking their identity and dignity. Gender-based violence (GBV) represents a profound societal issue that extends beyond individual harm to threaten the very fabric of communities and nations. Defined as violence directed against an individual based on their gender, GBV encompasses various forms of abuse, including physical, sexual, emotional, and economic exploitation. Gender-based violence fractures social cohesion by breeding fear and mistrust among community members. It undermines relationships and corrodes the bonds that hold societies together. Violence normalises harmful behaviours, perpetcycles of aggression and trauma.
Gender-based violence (GBV) is a pervasive problem that primarily targets women, often inflicted by their husbands or cohabiting partners. As analyzed in John Simister’s book, “Gender-Based Violence: Causes and Remedies,” this form of violence encompasses physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, collectively undermining women’s safety and well-being. Simister emphasizes the term ‘Gender-Based Violence’ (GBV) to underscore the systemic nature of such acts, which not only threaten women’s physical integrity but also erode their dignity and autonomy. Gender-based violence impedes the interconnected dimensions of women’s empowerment in any society – personal autonomy and social responsibility. The peer culture of masculinity and harmful masculine norms shape men’s attitudes towards women, enforcing aggression, dominance, and control. However, the already established culture of structural aggression, patriarchy, rigid gender stereotyping, outdated social norms, unconscious bias, and microaggressions in Pakistan and other parts of the world has created an environment where women feel insecure and do not realize their true potential as equal contributors to the well-being of society.
Gender-based violence impedes the interconnected dimensions of women’s empowerment in any society — personal autonomy and social responsibility.
Pakistan is a country where women not only face various forms of discrimination in their daily lives but also experience suppression, oppression, and the undermining of their identity as humans. According to the latest Gender Gap Report released by the World Economic Forum, Pakistan has been ranked as the second-worst country in terms of gender parity, placing 145th out of 146 states. The country ranks 145th on economic participation and opportunity, 143rd on health and survival, 135th on educational attainment, and 95th on political participation. The report ranks 146 countries, with Iceland, Finland, Norway, New Zealand, and Sweden in the top five, and Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran, and Chad as the worst. Therefore, this ranking highlights the urgent need for state and institutional action to eliminate gender-based violence, promote gender parity, and challenge societal barriers.
A UN report on femicide released on November 25, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, reveals that every 11 minutes a woman or girl is killed by an intimate partner or a family member. These chilling statistics show that millions of women become vulnerable to this lethal issue, which severely affects their mental, physical, and emotional health, relationships, and productivity. In Pakistan, a report released by the National Commission on Human Rights (NCHR) indicated that around 63,000 cases of violence were reported across the country, with 80 per cent related to domestic violence and 47 per cent involving marital rape.
In addition, women in Pakistan are not even safe in educational institutions and workplaces. Many cases have occurred in Pakistani universities where teachers harass female students, exploiting the grading system to instil fear. In workplaces, women face harassment related to promotions and other power dynamics, driven by a troika of misogyny, patriarchy, and structural suppression. The lack of women in political participation, decision-making, economic opportunities, educational attainment, health care, and family planning is due to hyper-masculinity, social norms, and constructed discourses. These issues are reminiscent of deep-rooted patriarchy, outdated social norms, ritual systems, and the poor response to and implementation of existing laws in the country.
It is indispensable for the incumbent government to take progressive steps to eliminate gender-based violence from society, promote inclusivity, and consider women as equal human beings and partners in contributing to society’s well-being. First and foremost, the government should challenge societal discourses, outmoded social norms, and structural suppression to foster cooperative, equal, and peaceful relations among people. Secondly, it should bring about changes in the social conditions of our daily lives, including work, play, and learning. Thirdly, it should increase women’s political participation and economic opportunities without discrimination and create an environment where women can express their true potential without hindrance. Fourthly, the government and corresponding stakeholders should update syllabi to promote harmony, inclusivity, and respectful relations. Fifthly, there should be initiatives for behavioural changes and parenting, along with social awareness programs in urban and rural areas, to promote women’s dignity, identity and potential. Lastly, there should be speedy justice for perpetrators, with severe punishment and immediate crisis response. In sum, these initiatives and changing societal attitudes will pave the way towards an inclusive, peaceful, and prosperous society, positioning Pakistan at the top of the Gender Gap Index.
The writer is a freelance columnist. He can be reached at