In an era where the world is more interconnected than ever, the Pakistani diaspora has long served as a beacon of our nation’s rich culture and resilient spirit. With over 9 million Pakistanis living abroad, this vibrant community has become a vital ambassador for our homeland, sharing our traditions and values across the globe. Yet, alarming developments suggest that some are losing sight of this essential role, prioritizing political affiliations over the broader interests of Pakistan. This unfortunate shift risks undermining their credibility while threatening the country’s image and international standing. In every corner of the globe, Pakistani expatriates have been instrumental in shaping perceptions of Pakistan. Their contributions (cultural, professional, or economic) have done wonders to foster goodwill and strengthen ties with host nations. Yet, as factions within the diaspora grow increasingly polarized, the narratives they propagate can sow discord instead of unity, leaving the international community questioning our stability. When members of the diaspora favour personal or party-centric agendas at the expense of a collective Pakistani identity, we risk diminishing our influence and tarnishing the reputation of our beloved country. The international community can easily interpret divisions in the diaspora as a sign of instability within Pakistan, thus degrading the nation’s credibility on global platforms. True patriotism encourages the diaspora to step back from divisive tactics in favour of fostering goodwill and stability. It is essential to remind ourselves that the Pakistani diaspora is an asset of the state, not a tool for political manoeuvring. Counting for about seven per cent of the global diaspora, the collective influence of this community has the power to enhance Pakistan’s reputation. By withdrawing from partisan squabbles and focusing instead on shared national goals, the diaspora can solidify its role as a bridge between Pakistan and the world. Economic contributions from the diaspora are not insignificant; remittances alone account for a substantial portion of Pakistan’s GDP. In the fiscal year 2022-23, remittances reached a record high of over $26 billion, providing crucial support to families and stimulating economic growth. By advocating for policies that promote national unity rather than political divides, the diaspora stands to significantly amplify these contributions and the overall perception of Pakistan abroad. Regrettably, a small faction within the diaspora has harnessed its influence to amplify politically divisive narratives, often driven by personal grievances or ideological loyalties. This hijacking of our story hampers constructive dialogue, undermines Pakistan’s interests, and poses a significant risk to the country’s global reputation. For instance, narratives that engage in alarmist rhetoric regarding Pakistan’s internal conflicts can cause potential investors to reconsider their associations with the country, ultimately limiting opportunities for economic development. To counteract the damaging effects of polarization, the diaspora must reclaim its narrative. By amplifying messages of unity and collective success, they can marginalize the disruptive actions of a few and redirect focus towards shared aspirations for Pakistan’s growth and prosperity. With a commitment to promoting a cohesive identity, the diaspora can play an instrumental role in bolstering Pakistan’s soft power. The success of Pakistanis in fields like medicine, engineering and academia enhances the nation’s global image. When individuals within the diaspora champion initiatives that foster cross-border collaborations, mutual respect flourishes, opening doors for innovation and investment. The diaspora’s engagement does not merely define its narrative but shapes how the world perceives Pakistan. Initiatives like the $1.2 billion raised for flood relief in 2022 exemplify the collective power of a united diaspora-an effort that transcended political boundaries and showcased the strength of its global community. Such actions resonate positively, highlighting Pakistan as a nation of resilience and generosity. True patriotism encourages the diaspora to step back from divisive tactics in favour of fostering goodwill and stability. The time has come for the community to unite around a common cause: building a positive narrative regarding Pakistan’s strengths and contributions on the world stage. Disengagement from partisan politics and a commitment to promoting national interests can help eradicate the stereotypes that have plagued Pakistan for far too long. Let us remember that every Pakistani abroad carries the burden of representing our nation. As the world scrutinizes our actions and narratives, it is imperative that we project an image of unity, strength, and progress. The actions of the many should not be dictated by the few, and together, the Pakistani diaspora holds the power to transform perception and support Pakistan’s development. As ambassadors of Pakistan, members of the diaspora must embrace their vital role in advocating for unity over division. By prioritizing the collective aspirations of our homeland, they can ensure that the essence of Pakistan – rich in culture, capable of growth, and deserving of respect – shines brightly in every corner of the globe. The writer is a freelance columnist.