Bollywood A-lister Aamir Khan’s elder son Junaid revealed that his parents found out about his dyslexia while reading the script of the former’s film ‘Taare Zameen Par’. Bollywood star kid Junaid Khan, who made his debut last year with Netflix’s ‘Maharaj’ and is set for his first theatrical release, ‘Loveyapa’, to hit cinemas next month, revealed in a new interview that he was a dyslexic child, which his parents, Aamir Khan and his ex-wife Reena Dutta, understood only after he started reading the script of ‘Taare Zameen Par’. For the unversed, Aamir’s critically acclaimed directorial debut, starring himself with Darsheel Safary, followed the story of a dyslexic child Ishaan Awasthi and his art teacher Raj Shankar Nikumbh, who helps him with his disorder. Speaking about his diagnosis, Junaid said, “Neither of my parents were particular.’ He went on to reveal, “I was also diagnosed with dyslexia very early on. So, I think they were mindful of that, especially in schooling.” When asked if his diagnosis prompted his father to make the film, Junaid replied, “Actually I think it was a little bit the other way around. When they heard the script of Taare Zameen Par, they were like, ‘Ek second We have seen this in our lives’. And actually, it was at that point that they took me to a specialist, and I was diagnosed with dyslexia.” Notably, Junaid is the elder of the two kids Aamir Khan shared with his first wife Reena Dutta, before the two parted ways in 2002. On the work front, Junaid Khan is awaiting the release of Advait Chandan’s ‘Loveyapa’, co-starring Khushi Kapoor. The title is slated for theatrical release on February 7, 2025.