Film and TV actor Armeena Rana called out a social media troll who colour-shamed her husband Fesl Khan, dragging her daughter in the comment. Armeena Rana schooled a social user who had dropped a ‘shameful comment’ on her wedding pictures with her husband Fesl Khan, making fun of his complexion, as the person remarked that the actor’s future kids would be dark-skinned like her partner. Responding to the comment via her Instagram stories, the ‘Janaan’ star penned, “Actually there is nothing wrong with ‘kalay’ bachay (dark-skinned babies). What a shameful comment.” She continued, “It’s old but I’ve just seen it now. Bachay(kids) are a blessing. One needs to pray for a healthy child.” “Also, turns out you cannot predict the colouring of a child. My girl is lighter skinned than even me and it isn’t a flex. I would’ve loved her all the same if she was darker,” Rana noted. “Also, I personally love dark skin. I married tall, DARK and handsome.” Notably, Armeena Rana and Fesyl Khan, who tied the knot sometime in 2019 and officiated their marriage in a 2020 ceremony, welcomed their first child, a baby girl, Amelie Isla in December 2022.