The 100-Index of the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) turned around to bullish trend on Tuesday, gaining 122.77 points, a positive change of 0.16 per cent, closing at 75,206.77 points against 75,084.00 points the previous trading day. A total of 462,304,427 shares valuing Rs 15.871billion were traded during the day as compared to 375,359,048 shares valuing Rs 16.301 billion on the last day. Some 381 companies transacted their shares in the stock market; 174 of them recorded gains and 184 sustained losses, whereas the prices of 23 companies remained unchanged. The three top trading companies were K-Electric Limited with 40,931,358 shares at Rs4.84 per share, Dewan Cement with 38,491,341 shares at Rs 10.80 per share and Symmetry Group Limited with 32,850,970 shares at Rs 4.94 per share. Serice Industries Limited witnessed a maximum increase of Rs 56.46 per share price closing at Rs 841.46, whereas the runner-up was Mehmood Textile Mills Limited with Rs 26.30 increase to close at Rs 525.52. Unilever Pakistan Foods Limited witnessed a maximum decrease of Rs 428.42 per share closing at Rs 18,555.32, followed by Nestle Pakistan Limited with Rs 96.54 decline to close at Rs 7,321.28.