Shaam Ki Chai, the acclaimed digital show conceived and hosted by Canadian – Pakistani powerhouse Nitasha Syed, is set to launch its highly anticipated Season 3, mid-February. Building on the success of the first two series of the show, Nitasha Syed’s third season of “Shaam Ki Chai” promises an immersive exploration into the historical discourse surrounding the 1947 Partition, focusing on lesser-known narratives that have been largely overshadowed by mainstream accounts. Delving into the genesis of Pakistan, the partition with India and intricate facets of Pakistani identity, Shaam Ki Chai Season 3 will explore legacy and living history across pre and post partition art, culture, food, design and architecture. Expect a rich diversity of individuals interviewed, from survivors of partition, historians, to architects and custodians of culture. Indeed, Nitasha Syed herself is a seasoned Sr. Product Manager with a background in software engineering, who conceived Shaam Ki Chai with a passion for her Pakistani roots. Growing up in Canada, Nitasha felt a deep connection to her heritage but was disheartened by the prevalent negative portrayal of Pakistanis in the media. Determined to change the narrative, Nitasha conceived Shaam Ki Chai-a platform celebrating Pakistan’s untold stories, challenging biases, and inspiring hope and understanding. In the preceding seasons, Nitasha highlighted the accomplishments and narratives of the Pakistani diaspora, spotlighting their significant contributions to the global community. Shaam Ki Chai Season 3, will launch soon on the Shaam Ki Chai YouTube channel.