The Sindh government has decided to deploy Boy Scouts for election duty on February 8, a private TV channel reported on Wednesday. As per details, the Sindh home ministry has penned a letter to the body to provide the Scouts for duties on election day. The Sindh Boy Scouts Association has been requested to provide volunteers for duties outside sensitive polling stations in Karachi’s Thatta, West, and South districts. The home ministry has demanded 700 scouts, out of which 300 scouts will be utilized for CCTV monitoring. At the same time, 400 will be deployed at the polling stations in district West of Karachi. Earlier today, Sindh Police informed the election commission about election security arrangements with over 625.4 million in expenses. The Police have suggested the deployment of 1,22,000 personnel for the security of general elections in Sindh. “The province has 1,05,000 policemen available, 17,000 less than the required personnel”, police sources said. Nineteen thousand four polling stations will be established for the election in Sindh, with 6,457 extremely sensitive and 6,593 sensitive polling stations. “Every normal polling station will require the deployment of four policemen, sensitive six personnel and susceptible eight police officials,” the Sindh police department said in a plan shared with the ECP.