Mahira Khan has talked about how she was so impressed with Parveen Babi’s Time magazine cover that she went on to watch her films. Pakistani actor Mahira Khan has paid a tribute to late Indian star Parveen Babi. Mahira decked up in a shimmery rani pink saree and had her hair cut at the 11th hour to resemble the legendary style icon from India. She has also revealed how difficult it was for her since she was still recovering from her multiple fractures in the foot. Taking to her Instagram Stories, Mahira shared a video of the photo shoot in which she is seen moving like Parveen Babi in the pink saree. The video also includes an interview clip of Mahira in which she is seen talking about how she got inspired from Parveen Babi. “So I remember seeing this Time magazine cover and it had the gorgeous Parveen Babi on it. It’s because of that cover that I actually watched her films. Some of her songs I just love. She was so beautiful, such a style icon,” she says. She also sings a few lines of Parveen’s popular song from the film Namak Halal – Jawani Janeman Haseen Dilruba.