China ranks 2nd in world internet development in 2022: report In a world where the internet is like our playground and information is on the tip of our fingers, why are we stuck in a maze of complex vocabulary? It’s time to untangle this complexity and make news a playground for everyone. Imagine that you are scrolling through news finding words hard for you to understand. In this fast- paced world, who has the time to look up these words just to understand what the news is about? News should be like a walk in the park rather than a hike on a mountain. Making vocabulary easy is just a way of connecting with the people of all ages especially the present generation to make them more involved in the worldly matters. Let’s take this topic as an example, your siblings wouldn’t want to read “Simplifying Language: Case Against overly complex vocabulary”, such a topic would put off our young audience but if we choose something like “Reader-friendly”, it would attract more audience as it conveys the message in layman terms. Complex language for common people is like someone showing up for grocery shopping in a fancy suit, it just doesn’t fit. News should be about sharing information, not showing off your verbal skills. Simplicity can be used while smartening things up just like magic tricks, a card trick uses basic movements and basic setup that anyone can follow but the real magic lies in the detailed techniques. Simplifying language is just like that, the simplicity will capture the attention while containing layers of depth and insights for those who look beyond the surface. In short, let’s transform news into a friendly chat where rather than just being informed, you can actually enjoy a conversation. Let’s make news fun, relatable and easy for all generations to understand. Defence and diplomatic writer, having keen interest in international affairs and education sector. Writer used to explore diverse thematic-based issues, from international events / studies to suggest simple but workable solutions to the complex issues. @ToobaZafar612