Sir: Through the columns of your newspaper, I have a letter for the President of Pakistan.
Mr. President: Firstly, heartiest congratulations on assuming the charge as the President of Pakistan for the next five years.
Sir, you surely brought the economy back from the brink of collapse; there is a visible economic turnaround; and the standard of living of an average Pakistani has improved considerably. By understanding the benefits of globalisation, you chose to join the international community instead of isolating the country.
You tried to bring tolerance in our society and improve the status of women, not just on the political front but also in professional fields. Still, a lot needs to be done on both counts.
Sir, the people of Pakistan need you and the next elected government to provide the following, and Pakistan will start improving automatically:
n Aggressive initiatives for educating our masses. Programmes should concentrate not just on formal education, but vocational and skill training as well. This will help ease the unemployment problem and allow many to make a living for themselves.
n Pakistan has fought enough wars with India. We want to live in peace with our neighbours. Furthering the peace process will help ease our militant mindset and improve relations, which in turn will result in prosperity for people on both sides of the border.
n And last, but not the least, good governance. Deserving, qualified and sincere people are required in our institutions, both political and professional. Corruption and inefficiency needs to be reduced so that faith in government and institutions can be restored.
Sir, we consider you as a saviour thus please do not disappoint us!