Pakistan’s veteran actor Zeba Bakhtiar opened up on her failed marriage and ugly divorce from singer Adnan Sami. In the latest interview with a local YouTube channel, the veteran spoke about her personal life at lengths including the 18-month-long legal battle to get the custody of her son Azaan Sami Khan from her former husband. “When I got married to Adnan, I was wrapping up a few films. At that time, I wasn’t interested in continuing to act. I wanted to write, maybe produce. I wasn’t that involved in acting,” recalled Bakhtiar. She continued, “Then I married Adnan and Azaan was born, I was totally invested in that. But when the marriage didn’t work out, I started doing productions and other projects.” Further reflecting upon the challenging custody battle which took a toll on her mental health, the veteran added, “I lost my mind. I was functioning because that coping mechanism came from somewhere, but I was not all there. I have got big patches which I don’t remember. It was very difficult.” “But I am thankful I got back with Azaan. It was 18 months of this custody battle.” “I wasn’t working during that time, but a few friends of mine told me to work for my own sanity and there was a friend who was doing a serial in England and I joined the same show. I went to London for a few months to shoot that,” Bakhtiar detailed. It is pertinent to mention that Zeba Bakhtiar, who first appeared on screen in PTV’s ‘Anarkali’ and later made her Bollywood debut with ‘Henna’, got married to musician Adnan Sami Khan in 1993 and gave birth to son Azaan, later the same year. Their relationship soon hit the rocks and the two decided to part ways in 1997.